Bundle of Love - Donation
Our love bundles are given out at Christmas time. Mostly to Leprosy colonies whom New Hope care for. Each love bundle includes a Bed Sheet, Towel, Sari (or Loongi for men) Sandals (made at New Hope by our Cobblers), Soap, Coconut Oil, Talcum Powder, all wrapped up with a big red bow.Price: 15.00 USD
YEN 2,022.15Feeding HIV Aids Orphans - Donation
It is a sad fact that more and more children with HIV/Aids are being referred to New Hope India every week. Our policy is never to say No, so your donation will help ensure that these children can be provided for.Price: 13.00 USD
YEN 1,752.53AIDS Awareness Classes - Donation
Health Education is a high priority, especially for the Tribal men and women. At New Hope India there are many children and Widows with HIV/Aids.Price: 25.00 USD
YEN 3,370.25Literacy Classes - Donation
Basic literacy, numeracy, health and hygiene are on the curriculum for our Tribal People. The women are also taught to run a savings and loans programme.Price: 30.00 USD
YEN 4,044.30Bicycle Repair Training - Donation
Every school leaver should be given the chance of learning a craft in order to earn a living. The Bicycle Repairs also allow the children and adults in the community to have a means of transport. There is an active bicycle repair business in Vizag started by New Hope people.Price: 35.00 USD
YEN 4,718.35Hepatitis Immunization - Donation
Hepatitis B and C has become a problem. Through our immunisation programs our workforce and vulnerable adults and children are protected.Price: 30.00 USD
YEN 4,044.30Disability Assistance - Donation
Disabled children who need prosthetics splints, crutches and special home made bicycles to enable them to move around more easily. Your gift would be very welcome.Price: 61.50 USD
YEN 8,290.82Vocational Training - Donation
New Hope has 2 Vocational Training Centres. The older children and HIV Widows, who complete Non Formal Education see this training as a step towards self sufficiency out in the community at large.Price: 148.00 USD
YEN 19,951.88Chaff Cutter - Donation
Donate a manual operated chaff cutter, which means cows eat more of the dry grass and less wastage. Each valuable gift enables us to continue to work for change with India's poorest rural communities.Price: 280.00 USD
YEN 37,746.801 Jersey Cow - Donation
It is a ‘Big’ gift in more ways than one. The reason why New Hope buys cows is to ensure that we know the milk yields and source. With more HIV orphan children coming and the high cost of milk, the aim is to increase the herd size at the New Hope Community Centres. Surplus milk can be sold as both milk and yogurt, the project becomes self sufficient.Price: 500.00 USD
YEN 67,405.00Cow One Quarter - Donation
Not everyone can afford to buy a whole live Cow. Buy one quarter of a cow, ask a friend to buy another quarter. We have the grass and management in place now. We are planning a new cow shed with funding too. Many more cows are needed for giving more milk to the children as well as yogurt. It's bringing us closer to being self sustainable. It is also linked to our Bio-gas plant.Price: 125.00 USD
YEN 16,851.25Cataract Eye Surgery - Donation
This is an on going project. Sometimes we struggle to get the Surgeons when we need them and at the same time get bogged down with ‘red tape’. BUT we manage to keep it going because its more than vision; its linked to the social stigma of being a burden not being able to be part of a working family who are surviving at poverty level in a rural village. Its even more complicated for a leprosy patient because its linked usually to lid closure movement that needs minor surgery too.Price: 49.00 USD
YEN 6,605.69Locally Made Sandals - Donation
Close to one thousand people living in a leprosy colonies across the many communities New Hope support need protective footwear. These home made sandals aide’s to prevent ulcers. They are made locally from recycled car tyres.Price: 6.50 USD
YEN ?876.27Wish List are a wonderful way of supporting our New Hope work in a very tangible way. Our Wish List at New Hope Rural Leprosy Trust website enable’s us to continue to work for change with India’s poorest rural communities.