Cataract Eye Surgery, in 2007 we had Hospital ward space to be able to start and catch up with all the people, who were with Cataract Symptoms. Aged people mostly, Tribal, Poverty line. People who don’t have the money or resources to go anywhere else – except to the one place they all know – New Hope Community Centre In a poverty line family the aged have an important role, important work in helping the family to manage and survive. Many go with younger children to graze goats. Some have jobs grazing the cows of landholders. Many aged women are responsible to collect firewood and cook the two meagre meals these people scrape through on. When the aged become cataract blind, the whole family management changes and they become – not a help, but a burden. It is socially and emotionally demoralizing for the aged blind person that requires Eye Surgery Cataract Removal..
It all changes with a simple Cataract Eye Surgery We now supply intro ocular lens and this means ‘no glasses’- and that’s a major step forward as there are no glasses to repair and no Cataract Surgery Complications!
People have asked if we still need or use the used cards. Yes and no. Yes because we use then with children, give them to aged leprosy patients who put them up in their huts, disabled children who paste them in books, or use them to draw/copy from. Many uses, but if the cost of postage is too high, then we would to be honest prefer to have that money. The restored vision of one aged woman via Cataract Eye Surgery is in our humble opinion more important.
During our visit Ruth and I have been asked by many people, ‘is it true that leprosy has been eradicated’. I have to say “No” – The number of patients under treatment is reduced, there appears to be a reduction in new cases. The reality though is that there are in India not less than 500,000 aged or deformed leprosy affected people who are unemployed, beg to survive and needs corrective surgery. Please don’t think that the WHO’s message of eradication means the already affected people have somehow disappeared, their here with us and many of you support them – this is sincerely appreciated.
Cataract Eye Surgery
Because of your kindness and Cataract Eye Surgery – they can see again. All over the world there is an inbuilt sympathy for the blind and the deaf – Not to see those you love and to hear the sounds of life is a hard situation to live in. When you are poor and live in a country like India where there is no real easy accessible health services being blind is a serious social and economical situation to be in. Imagine being a disabled leprosy patient, blinded by the disease or an aged rural poverty line Tribal where your contribution to the family daily life pattern is essential.

The aged blind leprosy patients find it almost impossible and very dangerous to venture out onto busy chaotic Indian roads to beg. The rural Tribal blind aged can not collect firewood, mind children while parents are out in the forest collecting or harvesting food on a day to day – hand to mouth situation. It is impossible for aged persons and poverty line families to imagine ever saving Indian Rupee 2,500 – Your gift of Cataract Eye Surgery makes it free and gives them that chance to have their vision restored.