Child Education Grant covers the cost of actual Elementary Education Grants to any child with us. It means access to good quality and safe sports gear, playing field and play areas. It ensures that 2 newspapers are in the school each morning – one English and one regional language. By rotation, students write ‘news reports’ of interesting events they have read – non political, non religious. The assembly time allows this and often the children are asked to comment or ask a question. The Child Educational Grant ensures that the children have access to computers with programmes that assist them with learning. It ensures that a Teacher is in the Library to guide the children. We step outside the curriculum too and take the children on educational tours, give them diaries to write, and it gives access to hobby and craft time – especially art work.
A Child Education Grant is it of value? For the children in classes 3rd to 7th it gives them greater access to what we call ‘better than book’ learning which is a common feature of education across Asia –often called ‘lean it like a parrot, don’t need to understand it’. Our school covers classes from Kindergarten to 7th class. The seniors who wish to study more now go out to a nearby recognized High School. We have been told by the Head Mistress that the 12 children going to the High School are among the best in studies, well behaved and active in class participation – It a good sign that the extra input we give is benefiting the children.
It allows funds to be spent turning theory into practice. The New Hope Garden is a great source of material for Botany and Biology. The Physics class visit all parts of the Community Center as we have solar lights and solar cookers demonstrated. Yes your support in giving A$100 for 1 year of Education College Grants is well worth it for the children.
Child Education Grant
Child Education Grant; Thank You – To all those who supported one year of higher education to our senior students last year. The New Hope – Jeevan Jyothi (Light of Life) School is now recognized by the State Government. The recognition is very important for the students to receive recognised Federal Education Grants, Government Department of Education Certificates and is essential if they are eligible for scholarship for higher studies. Recognition means better quality text books, examination fees, additional classes-teachers and Classroom Grants.

- Education Grants Women
- Child Education Grants
- Education Grants are key to success