A small number of the children with us have a distant aunt or an aged grandparent and the Christmas or summer holidays are the few chances the children have to see them. The relatives are all truly poverty line and although they love to see the children it is a financial strain even to have them for a week. We give many of them a food voucher when the children visit. This Christmas, after the devastation of the Hud Hud cyclone no relative came to take a child home for Christmas New Hope 2014.
Christmas New Hope 2014; We made the Christmas a little bit special and we could feel the joy of all of the children being together and having a great Nativity Play and Concert. It was a great evening even though a little cold. Being a shepherd and having a fire out on the play ground was one of the most popular parts of the Nativity play to be in!

Christmas New Hope 2014; A mini bonfire appeared at the manger towards the end too. We certainly have enough branches and leaves to burn now they are dry after the cyclone. Thank you to everyone who send message to sponsored children. A truly hard to express gratitude for the Hud Hud appeal and the Love Bundles given. Two volunteers from Norway have participated in Christmas New Hope 2014 celebrations with the Children.