Festival Everyday, May all your days of the year be filled with prosperity and good health to you and your family. Celebrate and share your prosperity with Orphan children, Widows and Aged persons. Give a meal to 90 persons on the special day you wish to Celebrate an occasion – Birthday or someone you wish to Remember. Any Special occasion.
You can give ONE DAYS FOODING TO 90 PERSONS – Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Snacks, Dinner Rs 5055 (US$ 75)Lunch for the children – and you and your family are welcome to come and be with the children. Rs 1,995 (US$ 30) Dinner in evening for the whole family of New Hope children, Widows and Aged. Rs 1,365 (US$20)
Festival Everyday , Give the fooding materials in kind and we prepare or give a donation and we will arrange the celebration for you. Child Sponsorship India; We keep an open door policy to the mentally challenged children – We remain one of the few with such care in Western Orissa. You can trust us to ensure that the funds used are centered on the most needy to achieve the maximum outcome from all gifts and donations. A 12 month commitment of $360 (payable $90 quarterly if you wish). This will cover all of one child’s education, food, medical expenses and general care for one year.
“Be Indian buy Indian”. Today it is “Be Indian, Educate a Girl Child” ? 800 a month. (Tax deductible under 80 G) You will receive a photo and electronic progress updates every three months for the child you sponsor or support. FAQ.
Child Sponsorship India , In cities where we work we offer “street” children without parents on railway platforms a safe environment to stay in. We look after the children by way of Child Sponsorship India. It changes the lives of people who have no other place to stay or people to care for the, The name of a hungry child is – Today.
Today is when we need to offer an orphan child love and care and support. Today is when we need anti – retro viral drugs for a HIV + orphaned child.
NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL to start to make a change – We work for Change. We have seen the change happen. There is no single answer to poverty and no single answer to development – It is a combination of activities. To help People, Children, Aged Leprosy Patients, Orphans, Children with HIV Aids , Street Children from Railway Station Platforms. The effective way you can help us to make a monthly, quarterly or yearly contribution. If you wish you can sponsor a child, or just give a one off donation that will enable us to reach out to those most in need.
Child Sponsorship India
We work for; Children in Need, Care of Leprosy patients/victims (Leprosy Colonies) , Aged persons care/children of patients, Health Education Immunization, Disabled children’s care programme, Emergency Delivery Clinic, Eye – Cataract – Night Blindness, Vitamin A Deficiency, Non Formal Education, Women’s Savings and Credit, Demonstration Farm, Vocational Training, Income Generation, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care.
‘We are hands on organisation’ – working with people at grass roots level in practical terms to resolve their needs and give assistance. Theory is not our policy, reality of the need of today is. We see the urgent of today and we know the important work to be done for a better tomorrow too. Low on administration, We work on less talk and more action policy of an organization.
Eliazar T Rose
Founder Chairman