Leprosy Patient Care, We are still focused on Leprosy even though it appears that the story of leprosy has changed, it has not at many levels, or for too many already deformed and aged affected persons in India. We are still New Hope to many people, orphan children, widows who are HIV positive, aged who are affected by leprosy and too old to beg to survive, Tribal women for the supply of safe delivery kits.
The New Leprosy or the old one that has not gone away (Not HIV or AIDS but the same old one is still with us, and will be for another generation of people – but the WHO and other international leprosy agencies appear to have forgotten they still exist. Those who cannot get re-constructive surgery to lead a normal life and the old who still live in colonies and beg to survive.
Leprosy Patient Care is not a new disease but it’s a new phenomena. It’s the result of the tilted publicity put out by too many agencies that leprosy is now eradicated. If you think of a child who has been crippled with polio, and you read that polio is eradicated, do you think that somehow the child is no longer crippled! When they write about eradicating leprosy they are trying to promote the idea that there are fewer and fewer new cases, because the multi drug therapy has reduced the case load. However there are still thousands and thousands of young people in need of corrective surgery in India. The corrective surgery is needed to offer them job skills and to change the social attitude of their community. There are thousands and thousands of aged, deformed, too old to go begging to survive, cured leprosy patients in the two States where we do most of our work.
Leprosy Patient Care
Lepra, a failure to see the real picture. The British charity Lepra have made a change of policy towards helping deformed leprosy patients receive corrective surgery. It’s hard to really understand how they have gone so far away from reality. In 1995 they built a first class reconstructive surgery Hospital, recognized by the Government of India in Muniguda, Orissa, India. Somewhere international organizations and charities have forgotten that the reason they started was because there was and is still a need to support Governments in areas where the Government did not have the funds or infrastructure to reach out to people in need. It does not matter what is said, in words, the reality is that there are not less than 1,000 young people in our immediate area of work, in need of corrective surgery to enable them to be skill trained, self sufficiency and part of the community, without the tell tale signs of leprosy that causes them social ostracisation; shunned and ignore by family, neighbors and community.
Leprosy reconstructive surgery is complicated. It’s about reconstructing the tendon and muscles of the hands and fingers, feet and toes. One person may need three surgeries. Because of the deformities, specialized pre and post operative physiotherapy is essential for Leprosy Patients Care.
New Hope is still the most experienced well equipped best facility in Western Orissa to offer corrective surgery to Leprosy affected and deformed young people. The World Health Organisation says ‘Leprosy is being eradicated” It’s great news, but what about the young people already disabled and deformed, socially ostracised, unable to find employment, unable to be eligible for job skill training. 1,000 more are waiting for help for Leprosy Patients Care and really needs support.

- Leprosy Patient Care
- Patient Care Home Health
- Patient Care Associate
- Leprosy Patient Care India
- Leprosy Patients India